Modify everything
- XML definitions. Every single unit, building, upgrade, faction, resource and all their properties and commands are defined
in XML files. Just by creating or modifying the right folder structure and a bunch of XML files, the game can be completely modded, and entire new
factions or tech trees can be created.
- G3D models. Glest uses its own 3D format for unit models and animations. We provide a plugin to export from
3DSMax, but tools for Blender are also available.
- Map editor. A simple and easy to use map editor is also available to the public.
- Standard C++. All the code is standard C++, and has been written
with portability in mind, so it can be compiled using either GCC or VS.NET.
- OpenGL. Glest uses the cross platform OpenGL API to render 3D graphics.
It uses the fixed pipeline, so only version 1.3 and a few extensions are required.
- DirectSound/OpenAL. The game can play static and streaming sounds using ogg and wav files.
- Multiplayer. Online game over LAN/Internet up to 4 players.
- A.I. Human players can test their skills against challenging AI controlled opponnents. Glest uses the A*
pathfinding algorithm and other well known AI techniques.
System Requirements
- Windows or Linux.
- Pentium 4 / Athlon processor.
- OpenGL 1.3 compatible video card and drivers (ie: geforce, radeon).
- DirectX9/OpenAL compatible sound card and drivers.
Last update 29/01/2020